Adiabatic manipulations of ultrastrongly coupled superconducting systems

Seminario QST

You are warmly invited to attend seminar #7 of the QST Seminar Series 2023/2024 in Naples.

Speaker: Prof. Giuseppe Falci (Università di Catania)

Title: "Adiabatic manipulations of ultrastrongly coupled superconducting systems: from virtual photons to modular computing"

Time/Location: Thursday February 22, 2024 at 12:00 in Aula Caianiello - Department of Physics - Federico II

Online: Online participation via MS Teams link. IMPORTANT: In case your access is denied, log out from your institutional account and open MS Teams in your web browser.


The QST Seminars Group

A complete list of the past and upcoming seminars can be found here:


Data: 22/02/2024