Ph.D. program presentation

The PhD program in Physics is settled at the Department of Physics "Ettore Pancini" of the University of Naples "Federico II",  one of the largest research Universities in Italy, and the oldest public University in the World, dated since 1224. It is based in the Department of Physics of the University, but with wide collaborations with several research institutes like INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics), CNR-SPIN (National Council for Researches - SuPerconducting and other INnoivative materials and devices Institute) and INAF (National Institute for AstroPhysics).

The overall scientific community amounts to more than 140 faculty people, almost 100 scientists of the above mentioned research institutes, and many fellows, post-docs and other research assistants. The graduate students are more than 40, in the average, divided in three cycles. In the last years, about 20-30% of the admitted graduate and PhD students are non-Italian.

The research subjects at Department and collaborating institutes cover almost all topics of physics (theoretical, nuclear, sub-nuclear, matter physics, astrophysics, geophysics, medical physics, applied physics, etc.), and in some cases interdisciplinary subjects. For further details, we suggest surfing the web sites of the Department and Institutes given above.

Almost all the PhD students conclude successfully their studies in the standard three-year duration of the program (a master's degree is required for admission) and therefore obtains the PhD degree. In order to achieve the PhD, research results have to be published in peer reviewed international scientific journals.

As part of the outreach activities promoted by the SPB - Polytechnic and Basic Sciences School of the Uniuversity of Naples, on the occasin of the Career Day held on 4 and 5 April 2023, the PhD program in Physics was presented by its students, also through the distribution of an information flyer



Prof. Vincenzo Canale (coordinator)

Mr. Guido Celentano (secretary)



Most recent call

The ''ordinary'' call for admission to the 40th cycle

of the PhD in Physics

was published  on May 31st, 2024.


The deadline for submitting applications

– which will be carried out exclusively electronically –

was set for July 1st, 2024 (at 12.00 am, CEST)



The text of the announcement and its attachment, as well as the guidelines for proceeding with the filling and forwarding of the applications (it is recommended to carefully read all these documents) are available  at the link


Those already in possession of a master's/specialist degree, or able to obtain this academic qualification (or equivalent diploma) by 31 October 2024 will be admitted to the doctorate.

The selection will include the evaluation of qualifications followed - for those who have successfully passed this first phase of the selection - by an oral test.