
The last call about the PhD program in Quantum Technologies
has been opened on May 31st, 2024.
Deadline for submitting applications
– which had to be carried out exclusively electronically –
was set for July 1st, 2024 (12:00 am, CEST)


English text of the announcement and the attachment A), as well as the guidelines for proceeding with the compilation and forwarding of the applications (it is recommended to carefully read all these documents) are available at the link


Applicants will be accepted who have obtained the MSc degree (or a corresponding academic qualification), or able to achieve it by and no later than October 31st, 2024


Selection process and requirements

The admission to the PhD program in Quantum Technologies at the Department of Physics of the University of Naples Federico II (jointly with University of Camerino and CNR - Italian National Research Council, site of Florence) requires an MS Diploma (5, or 3+2 academic years), or an equivalent degree in a subject related to the PhD program: however, a qualified four-year academic degree might also be considered sufficient.

A selection committee will shortlist the applicants to be interviewed, on the base of their:

  • CV
  • qualifications (note: none of the following items is mandatory for applying):
    • list of scientific publications, if any;
    • list of grants, fellowships or studentships obtained for attending an academic program or to carry out study and research, indicating the starting date, the duration and the amount awarded;
    • post-graduate degrees obtained, if any
    • academic/scientific/study awards
    • score of any standard test used for admission in University programs at various levels in your Country and internationally (particularly valuable for us are GRE-general [and GRE-Physics or similar for the present call] – tests; and TOEFL…)
  • MS thesis
  • academic qualifications (concerning both BSc and MSc, if the degree course is divided in two steps): useful to include a list of all courses and examinations taken, with a short description of their contents and with the corresponding marks obtained. Also a brief explanation will be welcome of the grading system used in your Country/university and, if possible, information about the grade statistical distribution (e.g., the percentile of students obtaining that grade or higher).

If these certificates are not in one of the following languages: either Italian, English, French, Spanish or German, then you will have to add a legal translation into one of these languages (warning: to be legal, the translation must be confirmed by your local Italian Embassy or Consulate as "faithful to the original").

  • recommendation letters: by filling the appropriate section in the application process, the referees (no more than 2) therein listed by the candidate will automatically receive an invitation to upload  their presentation letters

and on the base of a

  • statement of scientific purpose / research proposal (ie, a possible research project that can be carried out by the phd student over three years)

The entire application process, including the application form, duly printed, undersigned and then uploaded by the candidate on the webpage

jointly with all the other documents above listed, must be mandatory completed by July 1st, 2024 (hr 12:00 am, CEST). 

Results of the first step of the selection will be posted on the university phd webpage.



Selection of candidates will consist of a preselection (with a shortlist) based on the documentation included in the application, and a subsequent oral examination or web-conference based interview (e.g. using skype).

For any information request please contact:

Prof. Giovanni Piero Pepe  (coordinator)

Mr. Guido Celentano (secretary)