Bachelor's Degree in Physics

Physics is a Natural Science involved in the studying and description of natural phenomena with the aim of understanding fundamental rules of the Universe. The experimental physicists design and perform experiments with the goal of studying and understanding nature by means of analysis and interpretation of acquired data; on the other hand, the theoretical physicist introduce models of the physical phenomena, verify the consistency also in terms of prediction of outcomes. In the field of applied research, the physicist in charge of design apparatuses and instrumentation, performs measurements and testing, design models, analysis solutions. In few words, physicists ‘solve problems': this is their most appreciated feature in the world of work.

During the Bachelor's Degree in Physics, students acquire:

  • Deep knowledge in Classical and Modern Physics;
  • Good knowledge in Mathematics and Chemistry;
  • Laboratory Know-How and capabilities in the elaboration and evaluation of measured data;
  • Deep knowledge in the field of Informatic;
  • Capabilities in group working and contact with scientific methodologies.

The Bachelor's Degree in Physics grants the access to the Master's Degree in Physics, this articulated in 9 curricula: Astrophysics, Didactic, Electronic, Biomedical Physics, Matter Physics, Nuclear Physics, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics, Theoretical Physics and Geophysics.

Both, Master's and Bachelor's Degree courses take place in the Department of Physics "Ettore Pancini" , this part of the Polytechnical and Basic Science School (Scuola Politecnica e delle Scienze di Base)

